Stukas Over Disneyworld.

Road Trip I started my month-long break from chemo with a bang. I have to continue with Herceptin every three weeks for another nine months, which will make a total of one year of treatment. I also have a month's worth of radiation to look forward to. I have a house in Florida that I have visited ONCE since we got it. Once since last December. So we are driving down, so we can have a car down there instead of renting, and bring some stuff down. It's not the time to UHaul it, so stuffing the sedan with clothes and basic needs will do the trick. I need to work on my Florida Wardrobe, so I see some Lilly Pulitzer in my future. I've already purchased a dress with tropical flowers on it. The other John Oliver We have stops along the way to visit friends to cut down on expenses. First stop Delaware with Bigtwin, an artist I met at my first advertising job at Mezzina/Brown working on Joe Camel (Yeah, I know. I probab...