London Calling and Teenage Kicks

Running around like a sailor on shore leave doesn't seem to be enough within the contiguous United States. I haven't been to London or anywhere out of the country aside from Toronto in a couple of years and it seems another life, a geological age, 2000 or more years. My life B.C. is like a dream. Nothing feels the same and I am experiencing everything with new eyes. I have a get out of jail free card. Kevin is coming with me as he's never been to the UK. April, my friend since I was 14, will join for a week and we will be there for her birthday. Emma will be in the UK for a couple of weddings, so we can all have an adventure together. Real World London style. My good friend Martin's wife Kate also has cancer, and her prognosis is not good. Rather than torture herself with further treatments, she's facing the inevitable with the common sense and humor the British are famous for. Keep calm and carry on. She's having a going away ...